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mini horse losing weight

21 10:30:14

I have a mini she is 7yrs I have had her 3yrs. She eats well and poops well but she is losing weight. We worm her and have her teeth and feet checked regular. She eats 1/4 Alfa flake and hand full grass.  

what could be wrong? we live in So Ca.

Hi Debbie-
That doesn't sound like a lot of food for a mini. You didn't say how big she is, though. You might try adding a commercial feed to her diet- I like senior horse pellets, perhaps just a handful to start then increase slightly or a commercial feed that is made for minis- Platform has one that I have used with good results. Even though you worm her, you may not be using the wormer for a specific parasite she may have. It would be a good idea to take a stool sample into a vet. If these ideas don't work I would definitely consults a vet if nothing else has changed in the last 3 years. Usually we hear about the opposite problem- keeping weight off, so don't ignore it. Best of luck, Toni