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New foal scouring

21 10:30:14

Male foal born two days ago is scouring.  Is it ok to give "Probios" ?  If so, how much - - weight is about 20 pounds

Hi Terry-
Scouring is not unusual in a new foal. If you are afraid he may be getting dehydrated, then I would call your vet and check with them. Usually it goes away and if you just keep the area clean it helps. You can tell if he's dehydrated by pinching hes skin to see how fast it recovers and whether it sticks together. Also make sure the color on his gums is pink and not real pale. If he's nursing regularly and isn't droopy or listless he's probably fine. You can use petroleum jelly on the cleaned scours area if he gets sore. I have given biosponge and probiotic yogurt but only on my vet's advice. I think you should check with them as to dosage. I hope this helps. Congrats on your little boy! Best, Toni