Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Miniature Horses > Training


21 10:30:53

I purchased a mini horse and he is 4 months old. I want to train him to be used as a therapy mini to take to hospitals and senior centers. Can anyone help me get info on how to train my mini.
Thank you

Hi Sandy-

Thanks for the question. It probably depends on where you live to a certain extent. Here are 2 web sites that talk about it (cut and paste the addresses into your browser):

The main thing is handling them a lot and "bomb-proofing" them so that they don't startle easily. Being around kids helps them a lot, too. Also, the smaller, the better.

Another organization that has quite a bit of information and may be able to help you is Halter Inc. Their website is

Hope this helps. Best, Toni