Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Miniature Horses > Overweigth!


21 10:30:35


I see that you are an expert mainly in the "miniature horses" field but I have a question actually about miniature donkeys. I have had a few miniature donkeys for a few years, and one of them is REALLY FAT. I could probably call her obese, actually. We bought her in that condition at an auction, and her previous owner obviously did not take very good care of her. She has a roll on her neck (a collection of fat) and is overall, fat. Would you know of some ways to help her loose weight healthily? She is also in her late teens or early twenties. We have tried to put her on a diet, but there haven't been any visible results.

Thank you SOO much for taking your attention to this matter,


Hi Jacquie-

Thanks for the question. You are right, I don't know all that much about miniature donkeys but I would love to have a couple. In a young, healthy but obese mini you can cut out the grain, give them high quality hay and regularly exercise them. Given her years and mileage I suspect she could have Cushings Disease or some other glandular disorder. Your vet can do a blood test to determine if she has a health issue or is just plain fat. If its thyroid or something similar she should do well with medication. Its hard to get those extra pounds off of them and us! It takes quite a long time so of course, prevention is best. Best of luck, Toni