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mini temperment

21 10:31:08

I just got a our first horse 2 weeks ago.  He was great at first letting us lead, pick his hooves, etc.  He had colic coming on last week.  The vet gave him some med.  But ever since he has been somewhat mean.  He is biting, rearing, charging etc. He doesn't do it all the time but it just comes in swings.  But we can't pick his front hooves anymore without a tremendous fight.  He will let us pick his back hooves.  We can even brush his legs by his front hooves but as soon as we start to lift, he swings his rear around and tries to kick us and stomps his front hoof and bites.  Please give me some advice on how we can calm him down enough to pick his hooves.  And if there is any training we can do to work on his bad attitude.

Hi Renae and thanks for your question. A couple of things come to mind. If his attitude is periodic or sporadic, he could have other medical issue such as ulcers, particularly with the colic episode. Your vet may need to come back and give him a thorough check including his feet and legs. It is also possible that you are lifting his front legs too high and causing him some pain or hurting him somehow when you pick them (sore frogs, etc.). Your vet or farrier should be able to show you how far to do it. If you can rule these things out, then you will have to start at square one and re-train him going slowly. Lead him, get him to allow you to touch him all over including his legs without lifting them until he gets used to it. Then lift them slightly and put them back down without picking them, etc. It won't hurt him to go a little while without being picked. They have tough hooves. See my previous answers for some good books to help you. Also, if he is a stallion, you should probably geld him- a stallion is not suitable for a first-time owner. Don't give up, though, just approach it calmly and methodically and seek help. Good luck and best wishes, Toni