Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Miniature Horses > mini


21 10:30:50

Hi, what kind of mini's are there and what's the differences between the types? thanks Johnny

Hi Johnny-
There really is only one miniature- just different types and sizes. Miniatures are horses under 38 inches tall measured at the last hair of their mane. By types, you may mean body types? Some are more "Arabian" style and others are more "Quarterhorse" type. There is breed called the Falabella which originated in South America but  is still a miniature horse. There are also dwarfy miniatures. A good miniature horse will look just like a big horse only approximately a quarter of the size. Minis can be mixed with ponies but then they are not a true mini. Some associations differentiate between "A" minis (under 34") and "B' minis (34-38"). Hope this helps. Best, Toni