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Mini Horse Weight

21 10:30:21

  I have talked to you a couple times before. I still have my miniature horse mare but she has been a little obese for a while. I used to give her a flake of hay and a small handful of grain but now I am taking her off grain and giving her only half a flake of hay until she loses all her fat. She is in her stall usually all day and night and I have been taking her out and working her. I will be putting her in a pasture to run in since there is barely any grass. I have finally become annoyed with a fat mini. I thought it may be worms, so I wormed her yesterday, February 26th. Like I said, she now only gets half a flake of hay for her food until she is balanced. I was wondering how long does it take for a mini to lose weight. It looks like she is losing a little bit. Is there another way I can help to make her weight be controllable?

Thanks, Samantha

Hi Samantha-
Thanks for your question. There is no quick solution to getting a mini to lose weight. You don't want to starve them and if you cut them back too much it can actually slow them down as their bodies can go into "survival mode." The best way is what you are doing. I would exercise her as much as you can including lunging. The combination gives the best results but it's anything but fast if you do correctly. It's worth it though as it's much better for their joints and general health. It's great you are seeing results! Maybe a companion in the pasture would make her more active? Just a thought. Hope this helps. Best, Toni