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how to figure out size and weight

21 10:31:10

I have a mini that is anywhere from 36 to 40 inches I don't know how to tell her
exact hight. Is there also some sort of calculation to figure out her weight and
how much to feed her. She looks a little fat.

Hi Sandy-
Thanks for the question. You measure a mini much the same as you measure a large horse and there are measuring sticks made especially for minis. Minis are measured at the last hair of their mane. You could probably make a home-made stick with a level and a yardstick to get her height since you don't really have to worry about hands and you just have the one. As far as weight, without seeing her I couldn't really tell. Also- this time of year, depending on where you live, they do look heavier than they are because of heavy coats (little hairballs with hooves). They do make weight tapes for minis but I am told they are not terribly accurate. Your best source would be your vet. If she looks heavy to you, she probably is- they are so easy to overfeed. Hope this helps. Best, Toni