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Minature horse training

21 10:30:55

Hi recently bought two little miniatures class B for my little girl who is two she loves horses and I am hoping to have them broke so that she can ride around on them by her birthday which is August 18th.  They have not been worked with much, but are still very sweet.  I have had horses all my life but not mini's.  I am looking for some advice on how to get them saddle broke smoothly.  How do you get them comfortable with someone riding them when I can not ride them myself.  Thank you any tips would be great.

Hi JaLayn-
Thanks for your question. The ones that I have known to have gone through training were ground driven (for bit purposes) and started much like larger horses- acclimating them to having something on their back, then a saddle and then some weight in the saddle (feed bags, etc.). Obviously, once you have them going well, you will "lead line" her around. I hope this helps. Best, Toni