Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Miniature Horses > my minis are in my space

my minis are in my space

21 10:30:07

How do I train my miniature horses to stay out of my space?  When I go out to
feed them, they are all over me and the grain buckets, before I am ready to set
them down.  If they were big horses - I'd be dead by now!
Thanks for your help.


Hi Kristin-
Thanks for your question. There is no easy solution to this- it all goes back to ground training and getting them to respect your space. You will have to work with each of them individually and teach them the meaning of "back." Parelli is a good system or most any ground training books or tapes should help. In the meantime, I would "tie" them (lead rope to fence from halter) while you are setting out their food which should help to teach them patience. Then you can release them at your will. You are right, it is a serious situation although I got a kick out of your last statement! It's really not a safe thing to walk into a group of horses with feed buckets.  You know, it's kind of funny but I don't put up with that behavior from my big horses but haven't been as strict with my minis. Hmmmmmm....Hope this helps. Best, Toni