Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Miniature Horses > mares personality seems to have done a 360!

mares personality seems to have done a 360!

21 10:30:16

QUESTION: Hi Toni, Thank you so much for answering questions on this site.  I need
help!  A year ago we bought a mini mare from a woman who seems to be very
thorough and knowledgeable about minis - she has about 30, and takes such
good care of each one!  When we bought the mini (late May 2008), she hadn't
had any testing done, but thought Holly was pregnant, because she had been
with Rhythm for 3 months.  Holly was our first mini.  We had also purchased
Fire, but he was a weanling, and unable to come home for a few months.  
Holly was so lonesome, that we borrowed Rhythm, and brought him home for
July and August, into mid September when Fire was able to come home.  So,
there were 5 months that Holly and Rhythm were together.  Holly has been
getting bigger and bigger.  In mid March, we went to Israel for 1 week, and
had our son and another man take care of our horses.  They did not say
anything unusual had happened, but when we got home, Holly seemed a little
smaller.  Now she seems big again, and I think I see movement, but her
personality has changed.  When we got home from the trip - she was her
normal, docile self, willing to put up with anything, I could touch her
anywhere, check her udder, teats, lift her tale, etc.  But now, - she doesn't
want us near her - when I try to even touch her stomach, she backs away.  It
is difficult to get her to let us put a halter on her.  Our vet came out on Friday,
to give shots, etc., and drew blood, so we will know for sure if she is
pregnant.  Is that mood change a normal thing to see in a minis pregnancy?  
The vet thought everything else was fine - and he seemed to be practical,
sensitive and informed, even though he hasn't worked with minis before.
Should we just leave Holly alone?  What do you think is wrong if the test
comes back negative - then why the mood change?  Thanks for any help you
can give us.

ANSWER: Hi Kristin-
Thanks for your question. Mares can be hormonal when pregnant or even when not. They don't usually have that much of a change in personality but I don't think it's outside the realm of normal. I have had some pretty cranky pregnant mares. If she is not pregnant, she could have another health issue that is causing her to be uncomfortable such as an ovarian cyst (which can cause personality changes) or even something making her colicky (which pregnancy can contribute to as well). I would not leave her alone. I would gently but persistently keep trying to handle her and re-acclimate her to being handled because if she is pregnant or even ill you will have lots of trouble with her and the baby if you can't get near her. Hope this helps and best of luck, Toni

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Oh my gosh!  I think I'm an idiot!  I added Mare Plus to Holly's grain last week.  
Could that have brought on her disposition change?  Here's the real idiot part - I
gave her the recommended 1 little scoop in the morning and one at night.  That
would probably be for a full size horse.  Should I have cut that in half?  I feel
really dumb!

Hi Again Kristin-
That could be it. It could be causing her some gastric distress among other things. If you think about it, a miniature is about 1/4 the size of a regular horse. Although your intentions were great, I'm not a big believer in supplements. I would cut it out completely and see if it makes a difference in how she feels. You are not an idiot- just a well-meaning mini owner. Let me know how it goes. Best, Toni