Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Miniature Horses > RE: videos are training books

RE: videos are training books

21 10:30:44

I have three sweet minis. Can you recommend any training books or video that might apply to minis? I would like to work with them on better communtications. I don't want to hurt them. The techniques that I have seen in the past want you to hit them. I will not go for that. If it means not being able to communicate with them betther or beating them. Then I guess I will just keep them the way they are. J.C>

Hi JC-
Thanks for your question. I have always recommended the book- The Book of Miniature Horses by Donna Smith available from (now in paperback) as well as others. Training minis isn't really much different than ground training for big horses. I like the Parelli method and Clinton Anderson for that. They have their own websites as well as sell through Amazon. You can sometimes pick  up stuff on ebay. Yes, there is a kinder gentler way. Good luck. Best, Toni