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atitude change rapidly

21 10:30:57

Hi.  I have a 2 year old mini mare.  I've had her for about a year.  She's always been a little timmid and shy.  But you could always catch and handle her with no problem.  About 2 months ago we went and got a stud.  Her behavior didn't change till about a week ago.  The stud runs with her and our 3 year old mare.  Her attitude is the only one that changed.  She's just really flighty and kicks at you always.  Its almost impossible to catch her even at feeding time.  I just don't know what to do about her.  Please help me.

Thanks for your question. OK- my thoughts are that you have a couple of dynamics at work here. First of all, in my experience 2YO minis can be a lot like 2YO kids- willful, etc. 2nd- the herd make-up has changed and she appears to be a little "herd bound." You need to work with her individually and start from square 1, just like you would a foal. Separate her from the pack and start working with her. You may need to keep her confined for awhile. If you're not sure how to start, buy a good book on training foals by someone like Pat Parelli, Clinton Anderson or the like. Expect some temper tantrums however if you don't nip this in the bud, you will have one of those minis that nobody wants because no one can catch them. Also- her behavior could be "contagious." I don't know your barn set-up, but I have a mare that won't come sometimes so I just leave her out and feed everybody else. You'd be surprised how quickly she comes after that. The most important things to remember: PATIENCE, CONSISTENCY and QUITTING ON A GOOD NOTE (a success, no matter how small). Hope this helps. Best, Toni