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21 10:30:50

Hi I have 2 minis and my one mini is laying down more than usual. There is nothing wrong with her feet as far as foundering or rot. She is laying down way too much and doesn't mind the dogs while she is laying down. We are able to walk up to her while she is laying down also. She is eating but little bits not all at once like her buddy. A couple of weeks ago her tail was a mess like she rubbed it up against the cinder block wall. I combed it out and the tail hair seemed a little dry.  We wormed her and her tail is now fine.  She is in my book acting not herself and I am worried. Please help

Hi Theresa-

Thanks for the question. I think you should call your vet ASAP. It sounds to me as though she may have colic or some kind of impaction. The reasons that I can think of for her bahavior are nothing you should really try to treat yourself including colic, impaction, plant poisoning, etc. It may also be nothing. Your vet may want to know if you can hear "gut noises" and if ahe is "pooping" regularly. Make sure she has clean water, too. Be sure you tell him when you wormed her and with what and how much. I'm sorry this wasn't an easy answer. Good luck. Best, Toni