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Training a foal to lead

21 10:31:09

I have a 3 month old colt foal who is doing very well considering he's my first. I'm a novice at this training and would like to know how to stop him biting at the halter rope clip while leading him. Is this just a 'foal playing' and he will grow out of it or have you some tips on how to teach him not to do it? Thanks Billie

Hi Billie-
Thanks for your question. First of all, at 3 months, your training sessions should be short. Babies have very short attention spans and it may be his way of saying "I've had enough." Second, are you sure you are leading correctly? You should have the lead clipped to the bottom loop and then brought over to his left, your right where you should be holding it semi-taut (about 6 inches from the snap) where he should have trouble biting it. Do not pull him from the front- they have very delicate neck bones when little and you can seriously injure them. Wait until he "settles" and then step forward and hopefully he should follow your lead. They usually resist at first so don't pull but keep the (light) pressure on. Once he "gives", praise him and do it again, step by slow step. Eventually, they figure out that its easier to go with the flow than resist. It sounds as if he thinks it is a game so you will have to change that impression! You may want to invest in a good training book or video to assist you. I hope this helps- its much easier to show than to tell. Good luck and enjoy your baby! Best, Toni

Hi Billie-
I just now saw where you had asked for book recommendations. I really like THE BOOK OF MINIATURE HORSES, ISBN 1-59228-600-3, $22.95 from The Lyons Press. Also- HANDLING AND UNDERSTANDING THE HORSE, ISBN 60813  01495, $14.95 also from Lyons Press which, while it doesn't specifically address minis is good for undrstanding the horse in general. Best of luck! Toni