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Pregnant Mare Loosing Hair

21 10:31:01

Toni, I have a 9 year old sorrel mare who is due to foal May 1st. She is pastured with her yearling filly and 2 pigmy goats. She has recently been vaccinated, wormed and given a vitamin shot. My question is she is itching and rolling and has bare patches of thinning hair where she is rubbing. She has what appears to be alot of white dandruff down in her hair, not lice. What do you think is causing this and do I need to apply anything or wait until after she foals. Thanks for your help.

Hi Patty-
Thanks for the question. Without seeing her it would be hard to tell. It sounds to me like one of several possibilities: hormonal changes due to the pregancy (it can happen with horses just as with people), dry skin (perhaps because of hormonal changes), a seasonal or environmental allergy or just plain shedding out. You may want to check with your vet but I believe I would try treating it topically with something like Tea Tree Oil or M-T-G rather than anything systemic so she's not stressed out with the itching. Hope this helps. Best, Toni