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plugged tear ducts

21 10:31:00

The vet told me my 9 year old mare has plugged tear ducts. She talked about flushing them out by going up through her nose. Is there another way less evasive? Her eyes are matted and runny every day. I would like to know what you would suggest.

Hi Patty-
Thanks for the question. I think a lot of us have this problem this time of year. I think it has to do with the pollen, etc. It's odd that both ducts would be "plugged." There are commercial products available. I have used Clear Eyes by Farnam (about $5 for a 3 1/2 oz. bottle) pretty readily available at feed/tack stores and mail-order. While it doesn't treat an infection, it is safe to use to cleanse the eyes and relieve the itching. Flies aggravate the problem. You can try flushing it with the drops for a couple of days and use a mini fly mask. It usually goes away later in the season. If it doesn't or it looks infected, by all means follow your vet's advice. Hope this helps. Best, Toni