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Miniature Horse that Bites

21 10:31:19

I recently adopted two miniature horses.  One of them "bites".  It's not hard, but it is with the teeth and it is when she wants you to stop what you are doing - brushing, cleaning hooves, etc.  Is there a way to stop her from doing that?

The best way I know of to break this habit is to set them up to bite then take their upper lip and twist it rather tightly and where it hurts but not terribly I also dig my nails in a bit and tell them firmly no! Or no bite or something simple. It may take a few times but I have used this with older horses as well as babies and even stallions and so far it hasn't failed to break the habit. They just need to know their places and who is the herd boss. The behavior is unacceptable and must have been let go with previous owners. As with children give them an inch and they will take a mile! Good luck Happy Holidays Melissa