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Mini horses

21 10:30:21

I recently bought a 7 1/2 mo old mini. I am a little concerned about his back hooves. He seems to be rocking
back on his pasterns just a little. He was trimmed about
4 weeks ago by the breeders farrier. I am going to have
my farrier look at him but I wonder if there are any farriers in Illinois. Marengo area that are really knowledgable about mini feet?

Hi Penny-
Thanks for the question. Quite a few things could be causing what you are describing not the least of which is improper trimming however since it has been 4 weeks it may not be that. It is possible that he or she took off too much heel? Your instincts are right in my opinion, I always start with my farrier and work up to the vet. One farrier referral network is (cut and paste into your browser) but word of mouth from other mini-owners is the best. Good luck and I hope this helps, Toni