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Losing Weight for My mini mare

21 10:30:20

  I have a miniature horse mare who I got in 2006. She has been fat for a year and a half or so. I'm figuring it is becuase she was sharing hay with my goats and didn't get much excercise. I have decided to cut off her grain and cut her hay down to half a flake until she loses weight. I am also going to try to put her out to run and lunging her everyday. I would really like to see my mini "fit". I hate it when she is fat. I just wormed her Feb. 26. I think she has lost A LITTLE BIT but I was wondering if there was another way to get her to lose weight and if you know about on average how long it would take for her to lose weight. I would really like her to lose it. Please give me what you know, even though I know that you weren't real into their health, but I trust you. :)


I have a mini who had devolped the same problem. Depending on where you live the amount of sugar in some grass is a great amount.  Cutting out the grain is a good idea.  If you wanted to give her a snack make sure you find grain without molasses.  Getting these kind of horses to lose weight can be difficult. Exercise is definately one of the biggest things.  Sounds like you are off to a good start with cutting back on the feed.  Be careful to watch her feet.  With an overweight mini they can become lame very fast and it then is hard to exercise them.  I hope this helps and I hope you mini becomes fit :) Feel free to write back.  Sorry it took so long to get back, I had trouble sending the message.