Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Miniature Horses > Fires eyes stay dilated!

Fires eyes stay dilated!

21 10:30:16

Hi Toni,
Thanks again for helping me with Holly's disposition - I stopped giving her
the supplement and she is already acting more like her old self.  Now I just
have to wait to find out if she is pregnant!
Fire is just a couple of days from being 1 year old.  When the vet was out last
Friday, he checked Fire's eyes, because it seemed that he was tilting his head
when he would look at something.  The vet said that it looks like Fire's eyes
stay dilated all the time.  Fire does seem to be fine with it - it doesn't stop
him or slow him down.  The vet didn't know too much about the condition, -
perhaps when I talk with him next week, he will have learned more.  Do you
think this is a progressive problem?  Are there drops or meds I could give
him?  Should I just put a fly mask on him?  Any ideas would be great!  
Thanks.  Kristin

Hi again Kristin-
Thanks for the question. That's a new one on me. This time of year, flies can be problematic to horses as they are drawn to the moisture in horses' eyes and will drink it or worse. You may have observed flies flocking around their eyes. IF you can get Fire to keep one on, I would put a mini fly mask on him. That should help with either problem. I would not treat him with drops or supplements unless it's really bothering him. You could then try something over the counter (for horses) like Clear Eyes that is a buffered saline solution that soothes their eyes but without a vet's direction that's all I would do. Hope this helps, Toni