Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Miniature Horses > Gestation Period of my Mini

Gestation Period of my Mini

21 10:30:55

We purchased a mini last summer who was bred 7/3/07-7/10/07.A pregnancy test confirmed she was pregnant.  We still do not have a foal.....Petite shows many signs-huge belly, nips at side, restless at night (we have her on a monitor), rubbing her rear, pawing, up and down. I know she is past the "average due date", should I be concerned?  Any info. you can share would be helpful.
Thanks!  Jeni

Hi Jeni-
Thanks for your question. It is not unusual for a mare to go even 12 months (particularly a maiden mare) however I do think that you may want to give your vet a call at this point, particularly given her other symptoms. I would not be surprised if she has has her baby before I responded, though. How is her bag? Please. see my previous answers as far as he "bag" goes. Best of luck, Toni