Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Miniature Horses > Feed


21 10:31:04

I have two small mares and a stud.  I have the two mares bred and they should foal late spring. I am feeding them platform feed for miniature horses.  I keep a trace mineral block out to them.  Should I be keeping out any kind of horse mineral to them. The stud  or the two mares.  Do they make a horse mineral for the miniature horses.  Do my mares need some special feed since they are carrying foals now.  

Hi Brenda-
Thanks for your question. Platform makes a good mini feed. I have used it in the past. The trace mineral block should have most of the minerals your minis need. I also like the mineral and vitamin supplements that come in a tub- and so do the horses. I have not seen a special supplement made just for minis. Since they are "free fed" the horse should be able to get what it needs. Be sure your hay is of good quality and be sure to increase their feed as they get closer to having their foals. It sounds like you are feeding correctly- you should be fine. Good luck and enjoy, Toni