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Need Help on my mini colt?

21 10:30:52

Hi I need some tips on how to train my 11 month old mini colt.
I am 16y/o and I am in a wheel chair and I wanted to train my mini colt in halter classes and later on hunter and jumper.
So how do I get my little guy to stand still, with his head up high and his legs in the right spot to.
Can you help me with that.

And my other Question is: how old will he be when he drop his privet.

And my other Question is: How old should we breed him at.
Can he be bred next year. He was Born in 9-16-2007.

Thanks for your help

Hi Rachael-
Thanks for your questions. Regarding the training- I suggest you read my previous Q & A's to pick up some tips and consider getting the book I have recommended in the past to help you out. Most of it is just patience and practice. You need to teach him to lead and "whoa" before you can get him to stand. Once you can get him to stand at a whoa, you can adjust his feet by using the lead rope to move him back or forward and/or lift and set his feet with your hands. Neck/head extension is often trained by "bribery" with a treat, something you cannot do in a show ring.
Usually, his testes will drop between 1 and 2 years. Although there are exceptions, generally male horses are not sexually mature until they are around at least 18 months old and generally not bred until they are around 2 years old although they will demonstrate breeding behavior well before that. Hope this helps. Best, Toni