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pregnant mini horse

21 10:30:15

QUESTION: aunty has a miniture horse and it has recently been bred with another do we tell she is pregnent..and how long is it till she will start showing?? she is curently 10 weeks and her belly has balloned a tiny bit.


ANSWER: Hi Kaitlyn-
Thanks for the question. Really, there are only a couple of ways to tell if a horse is pregnant. You can do a blood test which is fairly expensive or have a vet do a sonogram if you know the breeding dates. If you haven't noticed her coming back into heat, chances are pretty  good that she is pregnant. She probably won't show too much for a couple of months as the gestation for a horse is around 11 months. Hope this helps, good luck. Best, Toni

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hello toni
my aunty would just like to know how to tell that coco (her mini horse) is on heat ?

Sometimes it's easier than others to tell when a mare is in heat. Part of it is behavior- they can get grumpy or have other mood changes. Usually you can see that they are "winking " with their vulva when they have their tail up when they are in season. Their urine can also be different- cloudier or foamier and sometimes a stronger stream. I hope this helps. Best, Toni