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how much space needed

21 10:30:56

We have a mini who has a stall and a paddack and 1/2 to live in. We are looking into a variance from our county because the rule is 2 acres in our town. Our mini gets lots of exercise via my children who love her dearly and are with her constantly. What is your oponion about space?

Hi Kerry-
Thanks for your question. Minis don't require much space and because they are prone to over-eating and foundering less can be better. I have a friend who is a breeder who has several mini paddocks with multiple minis in them that are maybe a quarter acre in size. They do fine. Excercise and attention are key. If you want a formula- they are approximately 1/4 to 1/2 the size of a regular horse so if they require 2 AC for a horse than 1/4 to 1/2 that should be adequate? I know several people who got around zoning issues by calling them exotic pets, not livestock. Some minis live in people's houses and are "potty trained." There are also those that have been trained to assist physically challenged people as well as "ambassadors" to nursing homes, hospitals, etc. Given these examples and the fact that your kids adore her- surely the town can grant an exception. I would also get signed letters from your neighbors who I assume have had no issues. Good luck and I hope this helps. Best, Toni