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Pregnant Mare?

21 10:30:47


I have a mini mare who is twelve who I put my seven month old colt in with
when we got him last november- they have been living together ever since,
and he was gelded at thirteen months in June. My mare has never been slight,
but she is a little bigger and a little different- shaped than usual. I can't tell if
she is fat or 7 to five months pregnant(she is already hairy), and I was
wondering as to whether my colt could've gotten her pregnant at that young
of an age. My mare has had two foals before so it is hard to tell, and never
usually exhibits heat but she is now. Also, my colt never really showed
stallion behaviors at all. Could she be pregnant taking all of these factors into
a count? ( I know the only way to tell is to test, but I want to see if it's even
possible first.)



Hi Elise-
Thanks for the question. I guess it is possible but highly unlikely that he impregnated her. Most of the information I have is that a stallion needs to be at least 15-18 mos. old before they can successfully breed. The earliest I have seen quoted is 12-15 mos. My feeling is that she is most likely fat, a common issue at this time of year- all I have to do is look out my window at my herd! Another possibility is worms which can cause a pot-belly appearance and a shaggy coat so you may want to check on that. Hope this helps. Best, Toni