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breeding minis

21 10:30:59

I have a 9 yr old mare that just had a foal in april. We brought over a stud and so far not so good. She has been more or less protecting her baby and kicking him. They have not yet bred. We have had him for a little over a week. How long does it normally take for the stud to bring her in heat?

Hi Stacy-

Thanks for your question. Sorry for the delay in answering but I was out of the country.

Once a mare delivers, she has a post-foal heat at about 9-10 days after the baby is born. That is the first opportunity (sometimes too early if she had a stressful birth). Thereafter, its about every 30 days. The stallion won't generally "bring her into heat" but they are more likely to show signs when there is a stallion present.

I usually keep the stallion in an adjoining field until the mare gives clear sign she is ready such as backing up to the fence, urinating (light, frothy) and/or "winking" her vulva at him. You'll know. Generally, she will accept the stallion at that time and won't be so protective of her baby. Sounds like you just caught her "off-cycle." Give it some more time. Hope this helps. Best, Toni