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Hand breeding my mini stud to a mini mare

21 10:31:17

Can you find clus up pic. of a mini stud breeding a mini mare.
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Hi I need help on hand breeding my 12 year old stud he is only 28" tall.
And how can you tell if a 29" mare is in Pregnant can you give me so tips on hand breeding and on how to tell if a mare is Pregnant
I have a 30 inch stud and he has no problems breeding even a 34 inch mare. I do not hand breed but pasture breed. The statistics say you have a better chance of getting your mares in foal that way more natural. But when I have hand breed I of course tease the mare first to make sure she is in a standing heat and won't kick the crap out of the stallion. If they are receptive they will usually pee and wink the vulva and be very lovey dovey. When I have been alone I have tied the mare and my stallion is a gentleman so he quietly goes up to the mare and does his little stallion stuff like bites her neck talks to her ect. When he is ready he just does his thing. Not all stallions are so nice about it and if they get nasty with the mare or the handler then they get disaplined and in that case a stud chain on the nose is something I would use. Most stallions if they are being bred to a mare for the first time need help figuring where they need to be and getting the penis in! They get so excited they are all over the place. So rubber gloves are in order or just gloves the first few times. Once they get it it's not a problem. I would suggest a handler for the mare and one for the stallion. If the mare is attempting to kick as some do you will need to use the breeding hobbles so your stallion doesn't get hurt. As far as telling if the mare is pregnant believe it or not I go to the dollar store and get preg test kits. They are about 80% accurate I think and look for them coming back into heat. The sure fire way is to have the vet out to ultrasound them then you know. But the thing about minis is that you may ultrasound them in foal and later the mare may slip the foal so I did that the first couple of years but figure they either are or arn't do my preg test and hope for the best. Breed every other day when the mare is in heat write down the dates and then watch for the next heat cycle. They are not the best animal to get pregnant. Good luck and let me know how it goes or if you have any other questions. Good books to get are blessed are the broodmares and blessed are the foals both full of info. Melissa

Don't know of any books with a picture like that but if you go to the library and look for a book called The complete book of horse care by Tim Hawcroft and is published by howell book house. It is the only book I have seen a picture of a stallion breeding a mare but it has good pics of a full sized breeding and is the same. It is a great book to have if you can find it. Lots of good stuff in it. I would check on and see if you can find it used. It is an older book I have had it about 10 years.