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mini ponies

21 10:30:48

QUESTION: We do not have a lot of pasture.  I have 2 mini ponies that weigh approximately 200 lbs each.  I need to know how much sweet feed should I give my mini's dialy.  I give them grass hay also.  We are also a little worried because of their pound area having a lot of sand.  We were told they will colic easily if they get too much sand.  What can we do about that?



ANSWER: Hi Sandy-
Thanks for your question. I have a friend who has her minis on dry lots and feeds them hay and grain twice a day with very few problems. One of mine who is "on a diet" is in a rock dust paddock with reduced hay and grain and has been fine. I do use a hay rack for her hay rather then putting it on the ground but she pretty much ends up with it there anyway. I do not like sweet feed for minis as I think they tend to colic easier and they really don't need the sweet factor. If you have a mini scoop, it helps or even a yogurt container works. I feed mine about a half cup of either a high quality pelleted senior feed (I have used Triple Crown with great success) or a feed that is formulated for minis such as Platform's mini and pony feed which is available at Tractor Supply as well as other feed stores. Its easier to add feed then to get them to lose weight so start with less and increase gradually, if needed. Be sure you feed both for at least a week anytime you change to a new feed. Many people feed only a good quality hay or supplement with alfalfa cubes soaked in water.  You should also always have a mineral block for them. I hope this helps and if you monitor their body health you should be fine. Best, Toni

Hi Sandy-
Yes, you can start by doing about 2 to 1 (old feed and new feed) and gradually increase the new and decrease the old over about 7 days until they are only on the new. Best of luck and thanks for your nice comments. Toni

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


One more question and I will leave you alone!  Have you ever used Sand Clear or Sand Rid?  I was told that this may help keep sand out of their bellies.  My one mare is pregnant...due in May 2009, and I did notice that it had a warning that it had not been proven to be safe for pregnant ponies.  I love my babies and I don't want to do anything wrong.

I have now started switching all of my 3 miniatures to the "Platform".  By Friday, I will have them completely switched.  They seem to love it.  I am following the feeding amount on the side of the bag and just praying I am doing it correctly.  Thanks again for your help!

Hi Sandy-
That's what I'm here for. :0) From what I've read, there are many treatments out there. Most of them involve wheat bran, mineral oil and or psyllium. It may be less expensive to make your own (I'm sure there are formulas online) than buying them. The best course is prevention. Don't feed on the ground if possible. I would probably check with local "experts" as to what they use effectively in your area. I don't really have much experience with it in moist green Virginia. Best of luck and thanks for your nice comments, Toni