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Miniature Horse shows

21 10:31:09

I have a miniature horse that I would really like to show in the spring.  I have started him driving already, and have purchased a easy entry cart EZ ryder cart, but am wondering if I need to purchase a special show pleasure cart or if I can use the cart that I have. Thanks,

Hi Casi-
Thanks for your question. This is one of those questions that kind of depends on where you are showing. My daughter and I show our driving minis with an easy entry cart in local and even state shows. As long as it is clean and shiny and so is your tack, it is probably fine. The classes are supposed to be judged on the horse's responsiveness and your driving ability and not so much on your equipment. When you get to the higher levels (like World), then you might need to spend more money to impress but I sure wouldn't worry about it yet. Make sure by checking the rule book that your equipment complies. Dress neatly, get a great hat, groom your horse, shine your tack and go for it! Best, Toni