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My Minis

21 10:30:00

Hi Toni,
what is the best way to breed the mares to the right stud.
I have a 2 or 3y/o paint mare she stands 30" to 34" and she is bred to a 33" to 35" silver red dun do you now how tall the foal mit be.
How to you tell a mare is in heat and out of heat and how to you tell if your mare is about to foal.


Encore & Lily
Hi Rachael-
Thanks for your questions. Not to be flip, but the answer to the first one is probably 30-35." So many factors, dominant genes, nutrition, environment, etc.. so really know way to tell. I have a 34" mare bred to a 31" stallion and will have to wait another 9 months or so to find out (approx. 11 mos. total).

Question 2- some mares have quiet heats but most will raise their tails and "wink" with their vulvas showing they are in season. Their personality can change (temporarily)as well.

I have answered the last question before- you may see a "waxy build-up on the mares teats and/or they may start to drip milk. The following is from another good column and matches my experiences:

Although waxing is a good sign of a horse about to be in labor- only about 50% of mares actually wax. Here are some other signs:

Decreased appetite- most mares will lay off their feed because the food causes extra pressure on the gut.
Alone time- if a mare is able to....she will wander off by herself in search of a safe shelter to have her foal. If she is attached to a pasture mate, she will most likely take this horse with her.
Nesting- you may notice her pacing in one area making the ground nice and soft.
Elevated temperature- although some mares won't get a one, some will.
Restlessness- mare may lay down and get right back up- doing this several times or continuously for many hours however is a sign of distress and you should call your veterinarian immediately.

Hope this hleps. best, Toni