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how to train 1yr old mare to harness and lead?

21 10:31:22

Hi I have bought a 1 yr old mini mare for my 14 yr old daughter as a pet,she just wants to love her but the mini bites and and is very spirited will not let you lead her. how can I teach her? we don't have much experience. hope to here from you soon.

There is a site I would like to send you to for some
This site has many first time buyer type books. You name it they have it. The first thing I would advise is to get another mini for company for the first. They are terribly social with their own species and I always encourage buyers to get two. I will even through a colt to be gelded in for free. The way I stop the biting which has worked well for me is set them up to bite then as they go for your hand grab the upper lip and twist as hard as you can even better if you have nails dig them in! While you are doing this uncomfortable procedure look them in the eye and firmly without yelling at them tell them no bite or something to that effect. There are many ways to teach them not to bite some very cruel. I have found this to work with even my stallion. It might take a couple of times but they get the point quickly. I recently bought a six month old filly and she bite me right off the bat. I did my usual and it only took the one time. Teaching to lead is a bit more of a challenge at a year old! But first put your halter on with a cotton lead. Then take another longer cotton lead and drap it just under her butt. I usually then tie a knot mid way up the lead about middle back. So you have it drapped under her butt cheeks and you have to have one side long enough for you to be able to hold the main lead then pick up the other lead and gently pull on both. If she is smart she will move forward off the pressure from the butt rope and even is she takes only one step praise her highly. IF she leans against the pull of the rope keep the pressure on her butt until she either steps forward of leaps forward which some do or rears forward which happens too! Any forward movement is praise time. Give her a few minutes to relax as you praise and pet her then repeat. I usually do about 10 minutes at a time the beginning of lead training because if they are stubborn it takes a lot out of you and them! Gradually increase as they get better at it the time and in no time they have figured it out. Most of my horses go from leading with a halter to coming with me when I put my arm around their necks. I highly recommend you purchase acouple of the training books as well as the care book if you have never had a mini. They are horses in all aspects but they can so easily be spoiled and made too fat ect. Hope this helps let me know if I can help you in any other areas! Minis are awesome buddies. Congrats and good luck. Melissa