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mini mare losing weight

21 10:31:00

I am trying to figure out why my 5 year old mini mare is looking so thin.  She has a great appetite, is wormed regularly and had her teeth floated about 9 months ago.  My vet is due to come out next month for semi-annual shots.  She is housed with a 6 year old gelding and her 6 month old colt.  Could it just be that she's not getting her fair share?  Please tell me what you think. Thanks.

Hi Robin-

Thanks for the question. Every horse is different and has a different metabolism. She may just require more feed than the other two. If possible, I would separate her from the other two at feeding time (including forage) and make sure she gets what she needs. How is your hay/forage situation? What are you feeding her? You could also try giving her soaked alfalfa cubes or even beet pulp at one meal along with her grain or pellets. Usually, minis have just the opposite problem. If she doesn't start to gain weight I would consult your vet. You might also talk to a feed specialist. Hope this helps, Toni