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training a mini for pulling a cart

21 10:31:00

Hi, i just got my first mini last sunday. i have been lunging him to get him in shape, i have horse but no mini's until now. Could you please give me an idea on how to get started on teaching him to pull a cart. untill i meet with a trainer. and is there a certain age they should be my mini is 3. thanks for the help ! Ali

Hi Ali-

Thanks for your question. Sorry for the delay in answering but I was out of the country.

Welcome to the wonderful world of minis! 3 is perfect- you can start them at 2 but you shouldn't jump them until 3 and its probably better strength-wise to wait until 3 to drive anyway.

I actually cheat- I have a wonderful trainer who teaches mine to drive but I know it takes time and patience. She starts them by ground driving a lot first. Just as with a larger horse, it takes time and patience to get them used to being tacked up and the biggest shock is when they actually feel "weight" for the first time. I would recommend you get a book on driving horses- its pretty much the same for minis as large horses and there are books and videos available.

The other option (mine) is to find a trainer. If your mini knows the basics, it needn't be very expensive. Hope this helps. Best, Toni