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Beat Pulp

21 10:31:13

What do you feed beat pulp for or what does it do for miniature horses?

I use beet pulp usually in the winter to keep the minis weight up. I do not encourage grass to grow at my place and would rather maintain the weight with hay and the beet pulp. You can feed them quite a bit of it as it swells so nicely once it is soaked. It tends to be a good source of fiber and digests slowly leaving them feel fuller longer. It is also a great way in winter to get more water into them. I usually soak it in warm water so they get some comfort food and mix their grain in it. They love it. I feed about 4 cups per horse twice a day but this of course is based on how much hay I feed. So if you have grass for them it can be tricky feeding the beet pulp and the grass and keep their weight down. The horses I raise are kept in semi show shape so I don't want a big hay belly. I give them the beet pulp and a little bit of good quality hay and that way they don't get that hanging belly! If you have anything else about this product just ask specifics. Hope this helps. Melissa