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Need Miniature Horse Stallion Help!

21 10:30:21

    This is my first time asking a question on here, my friend with her miniature mare Sophie always does. I have a 2 year old miniature horse stallion. He bites sometimes. When I practice trailering him he jumps really high into the trailer. I'm afraid he's going to hurt himself =[. Also he doesn't know how to lunge. I've tried hitting the whip behind his butt but he just looks at me. Can you help me?

Hi Aly-
Thanks for your questions. I have answered the "biting thing"  before. It is fairly common behavior for a stallion but must not be allowed. When he bites, correct him loudly and immediately by saying NO. It doesn't hurt to whack him (not in the face but like on his neck or shoulder)like you would with a crop not to hurt him but to make it an uncomfortable and unpleasant experience. This must be done immediately or it won't work. Once you have the same reaction several times, he should stop.
The trailer thing is him rushing to get it over with. Try walking him up to it slowly, let him look and smell, etc. Then back away. Next, let him put 1 foot on then back again. Keep doing that a little at a time as long as it takes until he will walk on quietly. Even big horses do this sometimes. It may take many times and he may occasionally revert. Just be consistent in all things.
For the lunging- it's more body language then the whip. Try lunging him on a lunge line.  He hasn't a clue what you want from him. A good tape on round pen training would probably go a long way to help you or you could also check out videos on about lunging minis or even horses to get a general idea. Hope this helps. Best, Toni