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Shetland Pony

21 10:31:07


I am just researhing Shetland ponies right now, but I can't seem to find that much. I was just wondering the monthly/yearly cost, if they need shoeing, which is better (female or male) and just general info. If you could please help me that would be great. Also if you know of any good sites (just if you know no need to go surfing the net). thanks!!

Hi Ann-
In all honesty, I have limited knowledge of Shetland ponies as a specific breed although I did have a mixed Shetland-miniature horse that was a real cutie. A good starting point might be: My understanding is that their temperament is considerably different from miniatures' and for that matter a large horse. As far as shoeing, its probably not required unless they are trail ridden or driven on pavement but regular trimming is always a good idea (every 4-6 weeks at an approximate cost of $25 dependant on what is locally customary). You should probably consult a knowledgeable feed supplier for feed requirements. I do know they should have limited pasture as they have a tendency to founder. As far as sex, I would tell you it depends on what you want in a pony. A gelding is usually a good bet as far as being fairly consistent. I love my mares, probably because I can relate to them but a pony's personality and temperament are as individual as we are and not necessarily indicative of their sex. I do not think a novice owner should ever have a stallion. Hope this helps. Best, Toni