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Orphaned Miniature Horse

21 10:31:26

We found a miniature horse alone in a field after a destructive tornado ripped through our town.  She is very alert to her surroundings and I assume she is only a baby because she does not have any teeth.  She also seems to want to suck.  What are the important things I should know?  What should I start out feeding her?  Regular Milk?  Baby Formula?  Any advice you can give me on how to care for this adorable little horse would be greatly appreciated.  Please ask any questions .. I can send photos if needed.

 I would start off by feeding her a foal formula which you should be able to find at your local feed store. The one here in oregon is called Foal Lac but I am sure there are many acceptable milk replacements. Follow the directions on the bag carefully. Babies depending upon age nurse on demand for the first couple of months which can be sometimes every few hours so it might be a good idea to have a vet give you more of an idea on age. If she is old enough to start a process of weaning which is able to be done at around 3 months old you can get her going on the foal lac then start making her a mash with the foal replacement milk and some grain made soupy. Then just start dipping her little muzzle in the mixture so she can lick it off. You will be surprised at how fast they learn to eat this. My babies are usually starting to steal mommies grain at a month old teeth or not! Just be sure if you are bottle feeding to be sure to sterilize those bottles just like you would a human baby. They can get diarrhea very easily and it is hard to stop. I would suggest also a probios again available at a feed store just follow directions it will help with digestion and keeping the good bacteria in her tummy. If you can't find the foal replacement you can use goats milk pastureized. Good luck and let me know how it goes and if you have more questions. A good resource for more info is a site called AMHA I would suggest a tetanus shot for the baby called tetanus anti toxin works right away. Good Luck Melissa