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Need info about minis

21 10:31:12

QUESTION: How many horse can I have on a half an acer.
Need lot of info about minis and mini mares.

ANSWER: Hi Danna-
Thanks for your question. I personally wouldn't have more than 2 on a half acre (I would say one but it is absolutely best for them to have company). Although they can be happy in a smaller space, they are also real horses and like to run and play. Grazing isn't so much the problem because minis tend to get fat or even founder on lots of grass. Crowding and manure removal could be though, so I would recommend moderation. As for needing info, there are some pretty good websites and a lot of books (new and used) out there. Start with or ebay. Tack stores and catalogs that specialize in miniature tack and carts are another good source. You might also check to see if there are any local Miniature Horse Clubs to visit other owners' facilities and find local experts. You could contact the breed registries-AMHA, AMHR, etc. and see if they can help. Feel free to check back with me if you need help with anything specific. Best, Toni P.S An equine vet that is familiar with minis is also very important.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Do you know any thing about training a weanling colt is halter class and do you know any thing about miniature horse breeding if so please email me back as soon as you can.

Hi Again Danna-
In the shows that I have been involved in, halter class is primarily leading a well-groomed (and hopefully well-behaved) horse around the ring in a show halter. You should be properly attired, too. There isn't a lot of training involved as long as the horse leads well and is used to being around other horses and noise. They are judged on color and conformation, as well as how well you have groomed them (including body clipping, if necessary). I suggest you attend a local show to see what's involved and what's "in" as far as halters and clothing. It can vary by area. On the breeding question, please see my other questions and answers. This is a very complicated subject and should be researched thoroughly before getting started. Hope this helps. Best, Toni