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Need help to learn more about minis

21 10:31:12

#1. Do you know ant thing about hand breeding minis to a 28" stud up to a 33" mare can you help me.

#2. do any one have a mini mare that needs a new loving home if so Email me the hight up to 27"-34" tall.

#3 How can you tell if a mini is pregnat for sure.

#4 tell me ever thing about mini.

#5 how can you tell if a mini mare is in heat.

Hi Danna-
I think I just answered another question from you with some ideas on getting general mini information. In brief, you really need to do some research before you get into this too much. Someone, you or your minis, could get hurt. To address your questions:

1. Breeding is best left to the experts. A professional breeder can best handle a stallion. Even though these guys are little, it can be dangerous and I have known people to get hurt by minis in this and other types of situations.

2. Sometimes you can find rescue minis or ones that people have tired of through online sites such as,, and others. That being said, that does not necessarily make them suitable for breeding. Just as in big horses- a responsible breeder is careful not to breed substandard horses or those with bad conformation or health issues. There are several common problems with minis that you do not want to breed in including bite issues (teeth not meeting properly) and others. And- just as with big horses, supply can exceed demand (particularly if they are not registered) and even minis can be subjected to neglect or abuse or being unwanted.

3. A vet is the best source. There are tests available by mail order but they are expensive and not foolproof. A vet should also be involved to ensure the mare is getting the proper care.

4. See above. I would have to write many books!

5. See above. Mini mares are like big mares. You can usually tell by their behavior- squealing, "winking," cloudy urine streams and of course a stallion's reaction. Mares do not usually have regular heats during the cold months and for a reason- it takes 11 mos. +/- for gestation and their survival rate is better in the spring and summer in nature-right?

In short, while I admire you for wanting to have minis and beginning your research, I must caution you about rushing into breeding or anything else until you have as much information as you can get and your own network of resources. Best, Toni