Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Miniature Horses > production


21 10:30:29

My first baby mini was just born a few months ago, and now we are going to show her as a production horse. Are production classes like a halter class for baby horses??? I have shown Quarter Horse halter classes, so is production the walk, trot, stand for examination???
          Also, how should I groom the I cut the long bridlepath and use hoof polish or not???


Hi JoAnne-
Thanks for your question. I have never heard of Production classes and when I tried to look them up on the internet, it looked as though they may be regional 4-H classes in PA. Halter or color classes for minis can actually be easier than Quarter Horse classes as many of them just involve leading them around the ring, particularly with babies. The grooming is much the same- but the longer bridlepath and long manes and tails. A lot of mini owners use black polish on all 4 hooves instead of clear and/or black. The style right now is more of the Arabian-style halters than the QH. Hope this helps. Best, Toni