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Mini due date worried

21 10:30:22

I have a mini who was due in Dec.- Was check by a vet- No baby yet- We had her recheck last week (we were worried)- The vet she will have it when she is ready and everything was fine it was just a matter of time. She had had the drop look for 12 days now- she has a bag just not a real good one- she is a maiden mare. We have seen 3 false labors- Is there anything else we should look for- We have watch her bag- her vulva- ligaments in her crop- The baby is still moving and a good heart beat. Any suggestions please help!!!

Hi Melissa-
I had already answered this question for you but for some reason it didn't post. It sounds like you are on top of it and good for you for consulting the vet. It's really not that unusual for a horse to go quite a ways past it's due date. Shortly before she delivers (maybe 24-48 hrs.) she may "wax up" meaning she may have a waxy, milky build-up on her teats and/or start to drip milk. Keep her bag clean and watch her carefully. The rest is just time and nature. Hope this helps. Best, Toni