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my miniature horse

21 10:30:36


my little cowboy
hey, my name is alyshia marsh and i showed miniatures last year in 4-h but this is my first time having my own, my little geldings name is cowboy and hes a yearling, doesn't listen too well because he's never been handled, do you think you could give me and tips on how to train my little cowboys for shows in the spring? thankyou so much!

- alyshia leanne marsh

Hi Alyshia-
Thanks for your question. I think you need to invest in or borrow some horse training books or tapes to really help you. There should be someone in your 4-H group who can help you with the basics. You need to start with ground work and that means really the basics beginning with leading. Then you can proceed to tougher stuff. Yearlings can be challenging for even an experienced trainer so just go slow and be patient. Make sure to reward him when he does well and always end on a good note. Remember, his attention span isn't real long as a 1 YO.  With regular work and handling I think you could be ready to show this Spring. By the way- Cowboy is a cutie and it looks like you are already doing well to get a blanket on him  and hold him for the picture! Handle him a lot and do your research and I bet you'll do fine in the ring. Hope this helps and best of luck, Toni