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help me

20 17:18:55


im kayla and i have a twelve yr old paint mare we bouht her two months ago she has kicked me and my dad things were going  good then she had a huge aditude change and bites my other horse .my parents have decided to get rid of her do u have any tips to change her back to the kind horse she was so i can keep her because i love her so much an we have a very special bond she protects me from anyone who trys to hurt me.:)

The horse kicks you like it does another horse, it is NOT being mean it is telling you that it thinks it is higher and you are not being strong and tough enough to show it that you are higher, if you were tougher and pushed the horse it would see you has higher and would not kick you.

You or your parents don't understand horses and that is why you got kicked, it is not he horse any horse will kick anyone that does not show they are the boss and higher, it is was they do to other horses and it is not mean is how they talk.

If you watch my videos and read my web site you will understand how horses talk. Horses are not dogs and have their own language, but when people don't understand that they blame a horse for doing what horses do.

Find the answers to these questions and you will see what I mean.

What is the difference between Prey and Predator animals?

What is herd instincts in horses?

What is pressure and release in horse horse training?

What is sacking out in horse training?

What is pecking order or herd hierarchy?

What is Opposition Reflex?

Why horses can not be happy alone?

How long do horses sleep?

What is flight or fight?

What is flight instinct?

This is just a very few questions that you, your parents and any horse owners, should know and understand but most do not.

This is not a horse problem it is a people and owner problem.