Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Itch/mane&tail


20 17:18:35


Tail 2
Tail 2  
Hi Caitlin! I've attached some photos of the problem. His hair on tail and mane wont grow back as he keeps scratching against the wall. We have tried deworming, applying everything for any mites or insect but nothing. I dont know if its a fungi or what! What do you recommend? Thanks😊👍

Hi Gabriel,
I really only answer questions on training issues so I can't really help with this one. Also, your pictures did not come through. I would call a vet out to check out what is going on with your horse. The only similar experience I had was with a horse and an allergy to gnats and gnat eggs. We had to bathe her often and keep a salve on her mane and tail to keep the problem from getting worse. It took about four months to see an improvement. Good luck and I hope you find out what is going on!