Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > throwing hands into the air

throwing hands into the air

20 17:22:08

throwing hands into the air
throwing hands into th  
QUESTION: hello sir, may i know why few trainers throw their arms into the air, to stop a horse to stop a horse from running away or to stop a horse from rearing

ANSWER: Throwing your hands in the air does nothing but spook the horse more. It can also make the horse rear worse. You do not throw your hands in the air to stop the behavior!! Not sure where you heard this but it is wrong.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: sir, you are saying not to throw arms into the air like this in the picture. so, when the horse gets spooked or rears, what should i do to stop him from rearing? do i need to shout or stay quiet?

The best thing to do is to get the horse to move it's feet. Forwards, backwards, left and right.
That takes the horse's mind off of what is spooking it and directs it towards you. If a horse is concentrating on you, then it will not be thinking about what is spooking it. Proper training from the start can stop this behavior before it ever manifest.