Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > rubber bits

rubber bits

20 17:22:08

QUESTION: sir, i believe that rubber is slow poison for horses. then, why rubber bits are introduced for soft mouthed horses? is there any other material, which replaces the rubber?

ANSWER: I don't use rubber bits. The rubber is not harmful to the horse because the horse does not chew or swallow the rubber. Remember the bar of the bit is placed between the teeth. Again, it depends on what the trainer and the horse is most comfortable with.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: sir, why dont you use rubber bits? what is the reason behind it? then, what bits do you use for soft mouthed horses?

I have found no need for a rubber bit for my practice. I start a horse in a rope halter. Then move to a bosal. Then I move to a smooth snaffle. Then back to the bosal for collection and return to the smooth snaffle. Later on in training I move to a leverage bit.
There is NO SOFT MOUTH HORSE!!!!. There is only hard and soft bodies. The mouth is nothing more than a telegraph station for the body of a horse.
Hard mouth = hard body
Soft mouth = soft body