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please judge this horse confirmation

20 17:21:46

please judge this horse confirmation
please judge this hors
hello, this is a marwari horse, isnt it beautiful keeping it neck royally. i love this picture. i believe that this horse has straight shoulder, round hind quarters, long barrel i.e long back, unable to judge the hind legs, forelegs are too straight and fore pasterns are long. am i right? if there are any mistakes, please correct me. ma'am, i am really not understanding how to measure the horse back. please tell me ma'am.

Personally, I like this horse better than any of the others you have sent to me.
Remember you do not want a straight shoulder- you want it to have a slope to it as this horse's does.

He is pretty balanced, which is one of the first things I look for.
It would be easier to judge him from the side if he were standing still.

I think his front legs and pasterns are fine.....(my opinion), and he is pretty close coupled..
a good thing).

His back may be dropped a bit, but all in all he looks like he would be a good example of a Marwari horse, much better than the ones in the first Utube tape that you sent to me.