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Trail riding (he Must be in front)

21 8:56:03

My horse is 8 yrs old and has been really good on trail I have been able to ride with a group of horses and he is fine in front ,back,or the middle. I recently went on a ride to Rancho Oso in California with a group of riders that own gaited horses. When we left on a trail ride he was fine in back until they started there flat walk he needed to catch up fast and it made him so nervios to the point he was bitting on the bit and worked himself into a sweat. He does not pay attention to his footings either.As long as he lead the group he was fine but I hate having a horse tell me were I need to be. Do you have in training tecniques I can use to break him of this terrible habits he has picked up?
Thanks for your help

First off if this is a one time thing then I would not worry about it but if he continues to do this then there are several things I would suggest. I would first make sure he does not have any visual or pain issues by having a vet check him. If he comes out clan then I would first ride him with one other horse on the trail. If he tries to go ahead of the other horse pull him back and make him wait. Also if you have access to another horse pony him on the trails. This will teach him to hold back. Gradually, ride him with more horses and whenever he acts out by surging ahead then hold him back and make him walk.
